05 April 2013


So if you're been living under a rock, this chick here is Sheryl Sandberg.  She's the COO of Facebook, a bona fide badass, and she just wrote a book about women and leadership that's making all the headlines. It was based off of a TedTalk she did back in 2010 called "Why we have too few women leaders". I read it over Spring Break and loved it - she offers a lot of insight into women's leadership, particularly how women hold themselves back, and what we can do to change that.  As a women and as someone entering the workforce very soon, I enjoyed hearing her stories and advice, and will definitely take some of her points to heart in my future career.  Check out the video below to learn a little more about Sheryl's story.

She also just did a open question and answer session with young professional women on the Levo League (which, if you haven't checked that out yet, you should - it's a great resource for Gen Y women).  I highly recommend you click through to it here to hear some more wisdom as she answers tough questions from young professional women.  Basically, Sheryl takes cares of business in a big way, and any woman, whether they want to be a CEO or not, should either watch the TedTalk or read the book so they can learn how to LEAN IN in whatever they do.

*Just a disclaimer: Not everyone is as big of a fan of the book as I am. (You can do a quick Google search if you'd like to read some very well-written critiques, including this one.)  Many have pointed out that her book focuses mainly on the corporate world, and doesn't really apply to anyone who's not white, married, and privileged. Obviously, it's hard to write the perfect book, especially about this, but I think she does get a lot of things right. I suggest you read the book for yourself and form your own opinions!

image via vogue and video via leanin.org

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